Thanks to all those who are willing to donate and help people with intellectual disabilities with practical actions. Such effort may be trivial to you, but these little bits of love are the greatest support for Syin-Lu Social Welfare Foundation to continue on.


2020 Financial Summary
*amount in NTD
Source Amount Percentage
Government Grants 166,436,032 36%
Service Income 74,331,888 16%
Donation 142,611,378 31%
Sales Income 75,956,325 16%
Interest & Others 3,238,624 1%
Total 462,574,247 100%
Source Amount Percentage
Day Care & Housing 89,128,505 23%
Child Early Intervention 92,652,852 24%
Adult Community Support 34,764,987 9%
Adult Career Rebuild Service 33,654,736 9%
Adult Sheltered Employment 97,371,717 25%
Administration 37,696,733 10%
Total 385,269,530 100%

Looking back at 2020
The life of people with disability and their families is like walking through a maze. There are many tests along the way, and it is easy to lose direction. With the company of professionals, they no longer feel alone and lost.

In year of 2020 under the pandemic of covid, people with disabilities and their families needed our helps more than ever, so that their life would not be out of control. Therefore, without stop, we provided care to around 6000 people with mental disabilities sand their families, and also trained more than 900 professionals in various fields, ranging from early treatment, community support, employment support, daycare and housing, to assist them and help them build strength.

Thank you for more than 150,000 donations in 2020, and more than 1,000 volunteers for their dedication. It’s great to have you with us!

2020 Activity Report
Total service number: Helped 6767 people, provided helps 36895 times
I. Child Service
1. Institutional Child Service Provided continuous service to 480 people
Pre-school Day Care
Provide children with developmental delay or disability integrative services like special education, daycare, family support, transition and integration.
People Helped
Periodical Treatment
Provide perception and rehabilitation therapy for children with developmental delay or physical disability (non-institutional day care case) and improve their individual development.
People Helped
After-school Care
Provide after-school care service for children with physical disability.
People Helped
Summer/Winter Vacation Preschool and Elementary Day care
Provide summer/winter vacation day care for children with physical disability.
People Helped
40 (60 times, 2 sessions)
Early Intervention Evaluation
Professional teams of career, physical and speech therapists, special education teachers and social workers offer developmental evaluation for children of 0-6 years old.
Provide parents guidance on post-evaluation treatment, care or redirect to other help professionals.
People Helped
2. Outreach Intervention Service (includes rural areas) Provided continuous service to 1995 people, short-term service 5120 times
137 families, 251 locations
Home Treatment
Provide home treatment or demostration for children with developmental delay or physical disability.
People Helped
148 (137 families)
Treatment at Community Locations
Provide therapeutic service for children with developmental delay or physical disability at the community locations (e.g. health center, library, activity center, infant day care center...etc) and improve individual development.
People Helped
63 (10 locations)
Early Intervention Community Case Management
Build case management system and assist children with physical disability and their family to utilize social resources and resolve issues.
People Helped
Early Intervention Evaluation
Professional teams of career, physical and speech therapists, special education teachers and social workers offer developmental evaluation for children of 0-6 years old.
Provide parents guidance on post-evaluation treatment, care or redirect to other help professionals.
People Helped
Counseling Tour
Offer professional evaluation, in-class guidance and case discussion at kindergarten or daycare center with children of developmental delay or physical disability. Help children integrate with the class.
People Helped
(2090 times, 215 locations)
Infant Development Screening and Monitoring
Through social events, provide children of 0-6 years old development screening and monitoring.
People Helped
(864 times, 9 locations)
Consultation at Community Locations
Social workers or teachers provide counseling and advocacy at clinics, health center, family center, etc.
People Helped
(2166 times, 17 locations)
3. Preschool Education Provided continuous service to 187 people
Non-profit Kindergarten
Provide pre-school education to children of age 2 to 6. Promote the healthy growth of children and help parents to work with peace of mind. Provide high quality education.
People Helped
II. Adult Service
1. Institutional Adult Service Provided continuous service to 260 people
Day Care
Provide various day-time activities and related developmental trainings to our service targets who are unable to work. Activities and trainings aim to make their life the fullest and encourage community participation.
People Helped
All-day Care (Life Reconstruction)
To people with intellectual disabilities whose goal is to become independent in life, professional staffs provide activities and trainings related to daily life-skill building, talent cultivation, assistive device usage, community adaptation. Activities and trainings aim to improve or maintain ability to live independetnly, and to build their community life.
People Helped
Nighttime Housing
Provide nighttime housing to our service targets who have need. Services focus on providing home-related supports, community participation and acitivities.
People Helped
All-day Life Support
Provide all-day integrated life support services to middle-aged and seniors or those with high needs. According to individual needs, core services include plans for increasing their well-bing, social participation and independence. Increase and ensure the quality of life or our service targets.
People Helped
2. Community Adult Service Provided continuous service to 1101 people, short-term service 197 times
4 event sessions
Community Home Service
To our service targets who have housing need, provide home-related and community living support, starting from general houses in the community. The main focus of the service is to enhance their self-reliance in the community. We pay attention to self decision making and social participation. Through necessary supports, let them able to live life like regular people.
People Helped
Community Life Support
To our service targets who are unable to obtain daycare/all-day care service, social workers use individual case, group or community method to provide various in-home service and community self-living support. Such as services at community club, home life support (includes home rehabilitation service), training using public transportation, community participation, personal dream and self fullfillment support, elder activities, physical and mental health well-being service, programs to support growing old in community etc. Service aims to be the bridge between service targets and the community. Enrich service target's community life and improve living quality.
People Helped
Community Courses
Provide diverse and life-oriented courses such as learning, leisure, talent, skill, and physical training lectures. Establish lifelong learning resources that enrich life of people with disability. Help them develop practical knowledge and self care ability. Improve their ability to adapt in daily life and promote self-confidence.
People Helped
Social Club
Organize social club, acting club, sport club and service-related club. Help people with disability develop hobbies; build social network to enhance social skills, self-confidence, and social adaptation of people with physical disability.
People Helped
Organize various weekend or night activities. Provide proper activities for people with disiability to relax, build friendship and learn social skills.
People Helped
197 (4 sessions)
Psychiatric Service
To our service targets who have emotional and behavioral problems, friendly environment and professionals with cross-disciplinary knowledges such as psychiatric treatment, psychology and social work, provide service targets and their caregivers with indivisual or group theorapy and emotional supports.
People Helped
Sex-related Education
Applying professional knowledges and techniques, specially trainned professionals provide individual counseling or support groups to our service targets and their caregivers (service topic includes sex education, sex-related counseling , marriage counseling , maternal knowledge, relationship counseling , self defense, gender equality and gender respect).
People Helped
Adult Case Management
According to the needs of each person with disability, customize individual service plan, provide such services or redirect to other professionals and connect related resources.
People Helped
Teams of career, physical and speech therapists offer treatment evaluation, provide the treatments, assistive device service and group evaluation. Increase physical and mental health well-being.
People Helped
3. Career Service Provided continuous service to 1682 people, short-term service 68 times
Community Employment
Develop community employment opportunities based on the interests, aptitudes, and abilities of people with disability. To each indivisdual, provide on-the-job skill and attitude guidance, assisting them in entering to workforce.
People Helped
Sheltered Employment
Run workplaces such as laundry service, cleaning service, bakery and crafting. Offer sheltered employment opportunities to people with disabilities whose production capacity are lower. The goal is to let them have jobs and salaries.
People Helped
Community Workshop
Provide daycare service such as work activities and leisure activities to improve life quality and community participation of people with intellectual disability.
People Helped
Career Rebuilding Case Management
Adopt case management system and gather various employment oppotunities and resources. So that people with disability can obtain continuous and seamless help when they are in between jobs.
People Helped
Career Evaluation
Evaluate career potential and job aptitude through professional tests and in actual situtations; the results can be used as reference to employment settlement
People Helped
Job Preparation
Hold job search lectures, employment trend seminars, pre-employment adaptation groups, physical training, sheltered works trainee opportunities and workplace visits, etc; To people with disability who cannot enter competitive job market or sheltered jobs due to lack of preparation, provide them oppotunity to strengthen themself.
People Helped
Job Counseling
To people with physical disability, who currently have jobs and have worked three months and longer, assist them to continue to work stabily. Provide services such as workplace visits, on-the-job guidance, phone checking, employers checking, individual career support, social skill training, special lectures and activities.
People Helped
Activities Encouraging Disabled in Workforce
Regularly hold employment youth award activity to award the performances and efforts of people with disability in employment and thank the employers for willing to hire employees with disability.
People Helped
197 (68 times)
Job Readjustment
Through workplace environment improvement, equipment and tools imrpovment, assistive tools supply, conditions improvement and work methods adjustment, assist people with disabilility solving work-related issues and improving performance.
People Helped
III. Family Support Service
Family Support Service Provided continuous service to 157 people, short-term service 6821 times
1 event session
Family Support Activities
With the goal of helping family to relax and interact with other families to establish helping network, provide services like learning group, seminars, family trip, life transition to families with members of developmental delay or physical or intellectual disability. provide resource information, training project, or adjustment service for caregivers.
People Helped
(6776 times)
Caregiver Case Management
According to the needs of caregivers, set service plan, provide such services and connect related resources.
People Helped
Beneficiary Counseling and Advocacy
Provide beneficiary information to parents of persons with intellectually disability. Connect related resources. Provide guidance on establishing beneficiary contract.
People Helped
(45 times, 1 session)
Beneficiary Auditing Service
According to beneficiary contract's auditor role, inspect trustee's managements, pay regular visits and submit report, perform other agreed matters. Protect the rights and the beneficiaries.
People Helped
IV. Integrated Service
1. Promoting Experties
Cultivate Professional
  • 2020 Hsinchu City Preschool Teachers and Caregivers Special Education seminar
  • 2020 Taipei Teachers and Caregivers for Institution of people with disabilities - introductory course
  • 2020 Cultivate Program for Instituions of people with disabilities to develop teaching course on basic sexual assualt prevention
  • 2020 Sex education for intellectually disabled information exchange seminar
  • Neuropsychological screening tools: Practice and application of "Community Mental Status Examination"
  • Growing old together seminar
  • Parent-child communication and techniques: communicate the right way, enjoy great parent-child relationship - introductory and intermediate courses
People Helped
905 (2491 times, 158 sessions)
  • Publish professional books and tools
  • Publish thesis
Works Published
(1. Published "The Journey" boardgame 2. Published two practical papers in Community Development Quarterly and annual meeting of the Association of social workers)
2. Advocacy
Various advocacy compaigns, such as community advocacy, advocacy on campus, employment advocacy and advocacy to companies. Host visiting guests.
People Reached
24689 (277 campaigns)