Child Service

In 2019, New Taipei City Government commissioned Syin-Lu to operate a non-profit kindergarten. With more than 30 years of experience, Syin-Lu put knowledges and resources into running Bo Cui non-profit kindergarden. The school officially opened in February 2020.
- Providing diverse and adaptable child education.
- Focusing on balanced physical and mental growth. Also draw out potential in children.
- Building strong partnership between families, kindergarden and the community.
- Having a group of professional teachers.
- Core belief:
- love, respect, gratitude, independent learning and healthy growth.
- Goal:
- cultivate attitude of cherishing oneself, respect toward life, positivity and optimism
- cultivate attitude of appreciation, caring for others and serving others
- cultivate motivated learner and encourage thinking abiliity
- cultivate healthy body and personality

- Bo Cui Non-profit KindergartenNo. 150, Huajiang 1st Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City