Sheltered Employment

A group of physically and intellectually disabled people, who want to work but don't have much abilities, come to Syin-Lu's sheltered factories and small workshops during weekday. These locations provide environments for them to learn career skills such as baking, handcrafting, washing, cleaning etc. Each job is divided into several smaller processes, letting each person with disability to focus on one simple process. Together, they make complete products. Working here lets them improve their work-related skills and also increase their ability to be self-reliance, and help them move forward in life.

- E-job Workshop No. 1, Ln. 69, Sec. 1, Guotai Rd., Fengshan Dist., Kaohsiung City
- Tzuyo Workshop 1F., No. 10, Ln. 7, Wuquan Rd., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City
- Tzutai Workshop 1F., No. 8, Ln. 7, Wuquan Rd., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City
- Syin-Lu Cleaning Service No. 59, Sec. 1, Wanmei St., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City
- Syin-Lu Community Work Activity - Bo'ai Center 6F., No. 372, Bo'ai 1st Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City
- Syin-Lu Community Work Activity - Nanzi CenterNo. 200, Huifeng St., Nanzi Dist., Kaohsiung City
Syin-Lu provides:




handmade soap

handmade stationary